2010 – El grado académico de Doctor en Portugal fue registrado por la Universidad de Lisboa con el Reg. nº 6/2010, el 16 de Marzo del 2010, en los términos del dispuesto del articulo 4º del Decreto-Ley nº 341/2007, del 12 de Octubre.

2010 – Socio del Claustre de Doctors de la Universitat de Barcelona, desde el 22 de Enero. Informaciones sobre el Claustre de Doctores de la UB, en: http://www.ub.edu/cdub/

2008/10 – Ha iniciado y prosigue como investigador/autor/realizador en el presente, con el corto metraje Blue Nails, en el cual pretende alertar a través de la imagen gráfica del cuerpo en mutación por la mano de la medicina. Proyecto que cuenta con una vasto equipo, que trabaja en unísono para un mismo fin. (obra en corso)

Resumo: “Blue Nails is a short movie where a body effraction results from a vaginal construction in aesculapius space. This is a story about a transsexual know by Blue Nails, because of her long blue nails. Nice, cult and conservative she, presents herself in brown dress – in a opposition to her life experience. In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, she lives in a state of conflict between the social structures and her evisceration standard. Every night, she silently prepares his transfor-mation into a Lisbon boulevard prostitute, looking for lost love and subsistence funds. What has driven her to this dual existence? The fraught world of 21th-century relationships and her sexual feelings identity. Blue Nails short film pretends to be an interpellation where the body is not delimited from the outside according to legal, economic, scientific, or even aesthetic designations. The self identity belongs here to the field of feelings and emotions, and the development of the medical science and the untaught human coercion. During this freedom, Blue Nails starts when she survives in a death self before the chirurgic intervention.”