2012/2009 – Post-Ph.D. II – Postdoctoral Research, II Triennium of FCT.

Transdisciplinary Scientific Researcher in the Field of Fine Arts, working in a II Triennium Post-Ph.D Research Project, entitled: "Physis-aisthetikos-Psychiko necropsy : abiogenesis coeval scoped trans/post-body". With the support of FCT – Science and Technology Foundation (Portugal): Funded by POPH - NSRF - Type 4.1 - Advanced Training, subsidized by the European Social Fund and by National funds from the MCTES.

[This Project is the sequence originated by the previous Project, a contingency of continuity on the investigation of the three years I, proposing, through the transfigured body by the hands of medicine, in its various possibilities for the convening of seizure and intent of rebuilding same as researcher/creator.]

Sinopsis: "The body plans intend physis-aisthetikos-Psychiko, where as a readymade, creativity is nourished and natural profile given to the social body, or said more pragmatically, the image of the body is dissected and restructures which Frankenstein. Weaknesses that technological advances in different areas - surgical, chemical, genetic engineering, biomedical, nanotechnology, etc. - have questioned whether the technology will not ultimately override the biological. Revelations that orientates us to the void of the subject (Lacan), and the opportunity that the growing integration of the object in the body switches as structuring element transitive (Winnicott)."

(Research 2009, Sá Cabral)

With the collaboration of:

Professor Ph.D. Alicia Vela Cisneros – Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona, (Spain);

Professor Ph.D. Fátima Feliciano – Coordinator of the Master in Clinical Psychology and Health at ISEIT/Viseu – Piaget's University Institute of Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies, Viseu (Portugal); Clinical Psychologist & Scientific Researcher at the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospitals of Coimbra (Portugal);

Professor Ph.D. Jorge Costa Santos, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon and Director of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, IP Delegation of the South;

Professor Ph.D. Helena Marques – Nanomedicine & Drug Delivery Systems Group [i Med.UL (Research Institute for Medicines & Pharmaceutical Sciences)] - Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon.

2009/2006 – Post-Ph.D. I – Postdoctoral Research, I Triennium with the support of FCT.

Research in a Post-Ph.D Project, I Triennium, entitled: ”Flesh effraction versus aisthetés: Concupiscence of the other”, in the Field of Fine Arts, with the support of the FCT – Science and Technology Foundation (Portugal): Funded by POPH - NSRF - Type 4.1 - Advanced Training, subsidized by the European Social Fund and by National funds from the MCTES.

[The Investigation work insists in the interconnection between: Art, Psychology and Medicine (this last, in the Plastic Surgery – Aesthetic and Reconstructive – speciality). An unpersonalized/edifyed mutation of the subject, through the praxis, process and techniques, to a saunter of perspectives in the artistic happening.]

Sinopsis: "Equated through a surgical/technological software in constant progression, the plastic surgery, cosmetic and reconstructive, assumed as virtuous repository of genuine creations/distortions with regard to the internal/external sensations of the subject. Perfection or body ideal, imposed by contemporary, that arises by the ancestral desire of identification or overcoming of the image that the subject has of itself with respect to the other, since it aspiration is to merge with the other, or as Lacan reveals the desire of the subject is the other."

(Research 2006, Sá Cabral)

With the collaboration of:

Professor Ph.D. Alicia Vela Cisneros – Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona (Spain);

Ivo Pitanguy Study Center, Rio de janeiro, (Brazil) – Founded in 1975 by Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, a Mundial reference in the field of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
Professor Ph.D. Fátima Feliciano – Coordinator of the Master in Clinical Psychology and Health at ISEIT/Viseu – Piaget's University Institute of Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies, Viseu (Portugal); Clinical Psychologist & Scientific Researcher at the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospitals of Coimbra (Portugal);

2006/2002 – Ph.D. (Doctorate)

Ph.D Thesis, with the support of FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) and the European Social Fund under the III Community Support Framework - whose title: Uninhabiting the body in its entrails: Coupling and interface - resulted from an interdisciplinary research project where a panoply of distinguished professionals and institutions in the field of medicine, psychology and art, cohabited for a very positive outcome (Excellent Cum Laude) and equally well received by the members of the Ph.D Thesis defences Court, among others.

Sinopsis: "Uninhabiting the body in its entrails: Coupling and interface is the result of my experiences in the art’s world, and more precisely in the context of the subject in its different behaviours and attitudes. Inspiration and reason that fascinates me when I’m creating. When starting this research work, born of my lab work, my work, I seek possible answers to a body that some denounce as dehumanized. Intricacies that make me wonder about a subject who indiscriminately attaches-couples to the object as an element of overcoming or as a sink element of anxieties and emptiness’s. This thesis aims to introduce the facts that derive from the processes of the psyche of the subject, allies in the creation and the technology evolution - especially by the medicine - around the body and in the emanations of those in the art, in the different motivations. A job that I have been developing for several years, along with the medical community, in its different fields or specialties, and that I find as head in the origin of this thesis, together with the literature that invades me and takes possession of me, molding me and conditioning on my personality. An extension of my self that is a specific reflex of taste and in a desire for exploration by origin and human destination, which I project in the creative act. Aesthetics which results not only of the union of technique with theory, when not, and more specifically, of the density of the sublime, from the unconscious. "

(Ph.D Thesis 2002, Sá Cabral)

With the collaboration of:

Profesor Doctor Vincente Carach – Cathedratic Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Head of Service of the Maternity Hospital House of Barcelona - Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (Spain);

Drª Annette d'Almdeida – Director of the Department of Obstetrics at the Maternity Dr. Daniel de Matos, Coimbra (Portugal);

Professor Ivo Pitanguy Ivo Pitanguy Study Center Institute, Rio de janeiro (Brazil)

2005 – Human Placenta study with the Annette d’ Almeida Drª, Obstetrics Director in Daniel de Matos Dr. Maternity Hospital, Coimbra (Portugal).

2005 – Photographic research in Plastic Surgery – neovagina construction – with Ivan Mañero Dr. (Plastic Surgeon), Barcelona (Spain).

2003 – Practical/theoretic research (with picking of visual-graphic information) in the field of Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic and Reconstruction, and personal Interview with Professor Ivo Pitanguy (Plastic Surgeon, recognized at world level), in Ivo Pitanguy Study Center Institute, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

2002 – Photographic research in Plastic Surgery – mamoplastic reduction – with Dr. Francisco Campos (Plastic Surgeon), Porto (Portugal).

2001/2000 – Academic Research Proficiency

The title of Research Proficiency results from Doctorate Studies 2001/2000 and had the support of FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) and the European Social Fund under the Community Support Framework III - whose title: The painting itself as idea - giving the possibility to start a whole series of researches that have defined the way forward for the construction of the PhD Thesis that comes afterwards. The transdisciplinary research project was around the cutting of the umbilical cord metaphor, which featured with the collaboration of several professionals and institutions.

Sinopsis: “The life entrance is at the same time the biological birth and the step to the adult condition. The birth is the first stage in the life path of an unfinished organism. His incomplete being is observed rather is the physiologic structure like in the tendency character compared to the instinct. Such is the biologic basis of the human project, just as the intersubjectivity whose first structure is the dual relation, Mather/child. This relation has a vital necessity of maintain the close union, afterwards the physic separation, like the intrauterine life prolongation.

With the umbilical cordon cut rite, final process of separation physic, we give beginning to the breaking-off of that profound entailment, like an wound without hopeless, who mark the entire destiny. Origin of the fusion desire never fulfil, for the anguish to the absence of the beloved person feeling. (...)”

(Ph.D. Thesis 2006, Sá Cabral)

With the collaboration of:

Profesor Doctor Vincente Carach – Cathedratic Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Head of Service of the Maternity Hospital House of Barcelona - Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (Spain);

Drª Annette d'Almdeida – Director of the Department of Obstetrics at the Maternity Dr. Daniel de Matos, Coimbra (Portugal);

2001 – Research at the Maternity Home Hospital – Barcelona Clinic University Hospital – Obstetrics – with Dr. Vicente Cararach and his team, Barcelona (Spain).

2001 – Research and study theoretical/practical in Obstetrics: ‘Ecograph’; Umbilical cordons; and the forum psycho behavioural of the fetus to child. – in the Hospital House Maternity of Barcelona – Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, with the collaboration of Dr. Vicente Cararach and his team, Barcelona (Spain).